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Powered Industrial Truck New Driver Course
with Grey & Associates

Learn how to operate a forklift truck safely and effectively. Upon completion of the course, you will know the basic skills and knowledge of job safety required for operating a forklift. Become familiar with the controls, daily checks, OSHA regulations, ANSI standards, factors in center of gravity and stability, load capacity, accident statistics, and much more. Prerequisites: Must be able to read, write, speak, and comprehend the English language. Dress appropriately for weather (closed-toe shoes).
NFPA70E Arc Flash Electrical Safety
with Tom Grey

OSHA and NFPA require this training for all employees who have the potential for exposure to live conductors of 50V or greater as part of their anticipated work.Includes the latest NFPA 70E updates.
Powered Industrial Truck Train the Trainer
with Tom Grey

As of December 1, 1999, all authorized powered industrial truck operators are required to complete Powered Industrial Truck Safety Training. Our adult training classroom instruction, driver's observations, and testing process will enhance your operators to become better trainers.
40 Hour Hazwoper
with Grey & Associates

The 40 hour training course is a workplace safety and health program for workers who handle or clean up harzardous materials. Topics covered include: Identification of hazardous materials, Use of personal protective equipment, Decontamination methods, Emergency response strategies, site characterization, Toxicology, Fire Prevention, Medical surveillance, Fall hazards, electrocution.